Confidence? Damn right!

This blog is imbued with "ada-quada-quacity", strives to be most oxymoronic, and ultimately of high opinion!

Monday, March 5, 2007

RIAA p0wns NIU?

RIAA? How DARE You? Obviously, enough said. Just boycott the RIAA as much as would be practical.

Anyway, that "said", I am ashamed (I used to be proud) of NIU and their recent stance (legal?) on the 23 NIU students recently under charges brought by the RIAA, NIU's recent OFFICIAL stance that the NIU lawyers have recently contacted each of the students and have told them to get their OWN LEGAL REPRESENTATION!

When I attended NIU, NIU provided an Ombudsman for students. Yes, to use the Ombudsman was a lengthy and ridiculously onerous process, BUT we had an Ombudsman. Apparently, the Ombudsman is no longer available for students.

Speaking of legal issues: The local cable company having carried NIU's student-run TV station on its channel 73 (or 83?) have CUT THEM OUT and OFF the system. Why?

How DARE You?

NIU? How DARE You?

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