Confidence? Damn right!

This blog is imbued with "ada-quada-quacity", strives to be most oxymoronic, and ultimately of high opinion!

Sunday, December 31, 2006

My what is too large?

My files are too large to email? Yeah, take 6 then!



There is a reason I stopped watching C.O.P.S. Nothing against the professionals, I am just sick of not seeing an episode of white-collar crime investigation or "sting". Now THAT would excite me enough to tune back in.

I am at a cross-roads continuing to watch G4TV - y'alll know how I feel about the stupid "car" show - other thtn watching the always hilarious KP and OM, and AS & MW, I like the Trek - gimme dat Trek - buit, once I saw late-night back-to-back episodes of COPS, I almost puked.

In favor of more Trek episodes, the monkey brains at G4 decided that COPS was "it"? Why? Because of requests from the forums?


Bring back the goodness, and by that I mean Norton, Rose, LaPorte, keep the Wed and Munn and Parrera and Sessler, but lose everybody else (OK keep that other dude that sometimes works with Munn and Par. Oh, keep the "Black Guy", he's good - he just has to "talk s l o w e r).

Stop doing that!

I hate it when a website offers a cool service that I want but know that I cannot afford - TO BE WITHOUT:

DirecTv is TOO DAMNED LOUD and it's got Nothing to do with age!

DirecTv audio levels between programs - or is it the actual program audio levels - SUCK.

I measured a 20 to 30 db difference between the quiet program audio levels to the INSANELY loud commercial levels and Announce-Over-Film-Credit_rolls.


Probably due to holiday employee coverage. Like: Zero. Jesus, holiday breaks used to be the time when the interns could really show their stuff, but for the last couple of weeks, NOT at Directionless DirecTv. IndirecTv should be its new name.

Tipping Cows, Tipping Chairs, a city in Japan, or Just PlainTipping?

Poor B & N baristas. Mr. B & Mr. N, don't allow barista employees to solicit tips. Come to think of it, neither does Starbucks allow their employees to ask for tips.

So everybody, just tip the barista, dammit! (10% is good enough - no need to go nuts here).


STOP putting chairs up in the cafe on tables BEFORE closing. Chairs are being put up 2 hours before closing. Uh, No.

STOP lying to customers about WHEN you baked and how often you clean tables, "Every hour, sir". Uh, no, as SOON AS A CUSTOMER LEAVES A TABLE is when you JUMP to it and clean that table.

This all at the Deerfield, IL store (02020).

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Take 'er down!

Tara Conner needs to step down from her position, and let the runner up take it!

Stepping down did not hurt the career of Vennessa Williams at all! Why, she even got to pose in Penthouse because of it.