Confidence? Damn right!

This blog is imbued with "ada-quada-quacity", strives to be most oxymoronic, and ultimately of high opinion!

Sunday, December 31, 2006

DirecTv is TOO DAMNED LOUD and it's got Nothing to do with age!

DirecTv audio levels between programs - or is it the actual program audio levels - SUCK.

I measured a 20 to 30 db difference between the quiet program audio levels to the INSANELY loud commercial levels and Announce-Over-Film-Credit_rolls.


Probably due to holiday employee coverage. Like: Zero. Jesus, holiday breaks used to be the time when the interns could really show their stuff, but for the last couple of weeks, NOT at Directionless DirecTv. IndirecTv should be its new name.

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