Confidence? Damn right!

This blog is imbued with "ada-quada-quacity", strives to be most oxymoronic, and ultimately of high opinion!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Factoring out the fear.

Joe Rogan, you are the MAN.

What the FUCK is going on here people?

Mitzi? If I EVER thought of doing standup again, it would have to be when you fire your sons from running the Comedy Whore (I meant Store). That you should even have to HEAR Joe's "side" of things is laughable - the mere thought of it is damned funnier than Mencia.

And what about Paul Rodriguez? He is one funny brown man. goddam! And fuck you Wikipedia for not listing Rodriguez at the top of the (at least Menstealia is near the bottom).

You know, we had Calos Mencia here at our school, the College of Lake County*, and yes, he was funny. But, not funnier than George Lopez (George must cringe everytime he hears one of his jokes come out of Ned) whom we have not had here, yet. At least George's fist in Mencia's face is funny.

* Yah, the same College of Lake County that Edward James Olmos cancelled TWO (2) appearances. (He has now the nickname of Edward James Almost because of it, too).

On the other hand, I don't care who handed Joe the microphone: because KUDOS to you my man or woman, KUDOS TO YOU!

Forgive me Joe

Joe Rogan VS Carlos Mencia ONSTAGE VIDEO.

So you see how pissed off I am about Mencia - I have to steal Joe's links for the video!

By the way: my use of the word FUCK is of course covered by the 1st ammendment (go, you ACLU, go!)

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