Confidence? Damn right!

This blog is imbued with "ada-quada-quacity", strives to be most oxymoronic, and ultimately of high opinion!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Free Speech?

Recently (1-22-2007), I read a short article in the Waukegan News Sun here in Lake County, IL. reporting what some (actually very few) college employees and students thought of whether or not they thought there was a problem with how free speech is being handled in colleges all across the US, but specifically what they thought about it at their college.

Read it, then come back. The article.

Fine. Read the last quote again. HOW DARE YOU, Ms. Libby?

Somehow Ms. Libby of Lake Forest College, I think that the moment "it" should ever come to restricting free speech on your campus, will be the day you find out you have been fired for considering restricting free speech in any way at this point today. And there is the problem. I just hate it when administrators - or people in general - use the passive voice, especially when they are asked to seriously consider free anything.

And, referring to the article once more, although miss Pirro from CLC makes a good point, I doubt very much that she or any group that would have her as a member would be allowed - by college administrators - to hand out fliers just anywhere they chose to on campus. I would really like to see that happen in the main lobby in front of the information desk. Yep, I would be there just to see how it was "handled". They would be asked to leave by Campus Safety. If the group were to be required to have prior permission to hand out fliers - regardless of the location, that permission in itself is a restriction. Anyone thinking otherwise is not thinking logically.

And no, there are not now problems (and there won't ever be again; not like this...) of free speech at CLC, however as recently as four (4) years ago there was severe problem of possible administration quashing, editing, or publication delay or refusal with one issue of The Chronicle, the CLC student newspaper - they had advertisers way passed pissed off over the incident. That was a big deal, and I blame the lack of follow up squarely on The Waukegan News Sun-don't-shine reporters - the very same paper that reported the herein mentioned egregiousness against a free "student" press. Don't get me wrong here, I wasn't personally pissed off about it, I just felt queasy every time I heard the tale recounted!

If you think this is bad, you'll cry in your Hennessy* after reading about what these students think they can get away with (prep warning on me; I'll fix it later) :

The other article....
"....A decision to freeze funding for the U.C. Santa Barbara student newspaper is stirring up controversy on campus....." Yikes! Zoinks!

Now this is interesting: the issue here is; is an advertisement covered by the 1st amendment and is the right for a newspaper to advertise covered under the 1st? No and No. Does that condo association have a concern over ethical or moral considerations in this case? No. Can the student government at Santa Barbara cut the paper's funding over a controversial advertisement? I do not know. I do know they cannot legally cut funds over a controversial statement made by a reporter or reporting in print as that is illegal.

The last example (Yeeeeah!)
"....According to the school district’s written policy, “Official school publications are free from prior restraint by officials except as provided by law.” ...."; let's just say that this school official goofed and goofed rather ridiculously hard! Note: no flag was harmed in the making of this play. RTFA.

With all my rantings, have I just committed an act of free speech? Be careful in answering me - this is a blog and both it, as blog, and I, as blogger, are protected by the first amendment according to the US Supreme Court as recently as May 2006; protected much more so than even a college newspaper - can you say "Governor State University" - unless that newspaper is designated as a "open forum"? Huh? What? Ya, straight from that "landmark" almost-decision. Basically stated, if you maintain - especially in writing - that you will not interfere with your students media, then you simply can not interfere (unless you spend time re-writing, then voting again in the opposite direction you once held so dear as a school board.)

Go figure. This is "just" a blog, right?

This just in.......
".......Rep. Dave Upthegrove, D-Des Moines, has introduced a bill that would ensure student journalists aren’t censored, and would not allow public schools or universities to discipline or fire a student media adviser for refusing to censor students.........."

Then again, although my predicting how someone can guarantee their own job loss might sound crude, crass, or something, that ain't nothin' compared to the other crap that happened to the well being and psyche of CLC and its employees and students on this day.

I am really O KOTA! Talk about yinning your yang!

And no I am not going to retract this, edit it, nor delete it, as I just may need it for evidence in case I am fired over it! I don't even want to get called on the carpet for this - just hold it in.
Embarrassed? Good. Now put it in the B-court and shut up about the basement! (inside "joke" that just never gets old)

How DARE you?
My use of commas is exquisite, no?

* Not promoting alcohol here, but wouldn't it be nice sitting in a Hennessy hammock, swaying in the main lobby breeze, sipping the XO? Ya, maybe if a drank! Now go get me my White Chocolate Latte before I have to spank ya! And tell little Jimmy he's not allowed to play tag anymore at school unless he signs that release!

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